7th and 8th Grade Experience
7th Grade Experience
The 7th grade participates in an annual Healthy Options Day which involves several activities related to the theme of Outdoor Experience. Students chose from a “menu” of options. Depending on an individual’s choice, he or she will experience 2 to 4 distinctly different activities. CEMS staff, along with local guests, lead activities that are of interest to them. The activities represent the kinds of things they do to stay healthy, take appropriate risks and experience the natural highs associated with adventure and exploration of one’s limits.
Over the past two years students have participated in mountain biking, road biking, trail running, geocaching, tarp surfing, baseball, kickball, ultimate frisbee, disc golf, basketball, four square and yoga. Not all activities are physically demanding. Painting, beach combing, self-defense, movie making, music jam, map & compass scavenger hunt, nature walk and conversations with the CEHS Natural Helpers have been offered as well. Along with an opportunity to experience new and different activities, this day allows students to interact with CEMS staff in a unique way as we strive to build meaningful relationships with all students.
8th Grade Experience
The 8th grade trail project has been a tradition with the departing 8th grade class for at least the last14 years. Each spring, the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust (CELT) and the 8th graders work on a trail project within Cape Elizabeth. Most years the project takes place on CELT properties, including Robinson Woods I and II, Dyer Hutchinson Farm, Great Pond, Turkey Hill Farm and Willow Brook.CELT has also partnered with the Fort Williams Foundation to complete invasive specie elimination, as well as trail work on greenbelt trails, such as Winnick Woods.Each 8th graders contributes approximately a 2 1/2 hour work shift where they clear trails, weed, spread mulch, build bridges, remove invasive plants, or create new trails. The students are enthusiastic and are always amazed at how much they were able to accomplish, no matter what the weather conditions may be.
This year, the 8th graders are helping CELT create a new trail on the newly purchased Robinson Woods II. The students complete their shift with their advisory group. Tools are provided by CELT and the MSPA has donated the work gloves, so it is a lovely partnership.